Beverly I. Brister
Managing Attorney
Mrs. Brister obtained her Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and her Masters in Business Administration from Henderson State University.
She received her Juris Doctorate in 2008 from the UALR Bowen School of Law.
After graduating from the Bowen, she then worked as an associate bankruptcy and tax attorney at Honey Law Firm in Hot Springs for several years.
In 2011, she opened her own practice, The Brister Firm, in Benton, Arkansas, where she lives with her family.
Active in Her Community
She has served as the Chair for the Legal Related Education Committee for the Arkansas Bar Association for the last 3 years. She is a member of the Arkansas Association of Women Lawyers, where she has served as President, Secretary, and Treasurer in recent years.
She is an avid runner and a RRCA Certified Running Coach. She is a USA Swimming Referee, and volunteers her time with the local high school and competitive swim teams. She has been the Chair of the Thanksgiving Meal Committee for the First United Methodist Church for the last 8
years, feeding over 500 people per year a Thanksgiving Meal.
Mrs. Brister has helped hundreds of clients solve their tax problems, and/or obtain their bankruptcies. She also has a general law practice, where she does wills, contracts, powers-of-attorney, and other matters for her clients. She does whatever she can to help all of her clients, and looks forward to helping you with your problems, too.